
Blú Capital drives the medical device industry growth in our region

September 14, 2021

Blú Capital drives the medical device industry growth in our region

With its efforts, the Biomedical Cluster has made great strides in improving the medical device industry in our region El Paso - Juárez. These efforts range from collaborations with educational and training institutions to financing projects with government entities, which have been achieved through alliances and joint work with large biomedical companies on the El Paso-Juárez border. View the interview’s video.

Blú Capital and the Biomedical industry

Gabriela Alvídrez, associate director of Blú Capital in Mexico and leader of the Business Development team, shared relevant information about the Cluster in an interview. This bi-national company is positioned as one of the largest financiers, serving different suppliers of the manufacturing industry in the region.

In their words, Blú Capital is dedicated to supplier financing in the export industry, and in this project, they are getting involved in supplier financing in the medical device industry.

The company has been very successful in the aerospace, automotive, and metalworking industries. Recently, they have expressed their desire and interest to get involved in the medical device industry. For this reason, they began to strengthen relations with the BIO El Paso - Juárez Biomedical Cluster, seeking a common good.

Medical devices, a potential industry

Alvídrez says that at Blú Capital they are specialists in studying the market and value chains. For that reason, they have been closely monitoring the behavior and growth of the medical industry in recent years.

“We have clients that serve different industries. We realized, through the financial services we provide, that their needs to offer services to the medical industry started to grow a lot.”

In this way, the directive decided to join the biomedical sector. The goal is to help smaller providers that somehow fall short in the face of growing demand.

Technology: an added value

Alvídrez exposed another of the great motivations for getting involved in this industry: its high level of automation. “We consider that the medical industry has a high added value, it is an industry with high technology.”

With these words, the leader of the business development team made her satisfaction with this matter very clear. In addition, she let it be known that Blú Capital has been migrating to businesses with these characteristics.

Support for growth beyond the border

Blú Capital is now working with some companies in Juárez and El Paso, which has prompted them to operate bi-nationally. This represents a great advantage since they are familiar and trained to work with both laws and regulations.

“We have a presence in both countries so that they can benefit from both with the same company. It is part of our competitive advantage”.

A Strategic Alliance

Regarding the alliance between Blú Capital and the BIO El Paso - Juárez Biomedical Cluster, Alvídrez spoke very excitedly. This is a great opportunity for both organizations to benefit, and to support the other medical devices manufacturers and members of the cluster.

“In the BIO Cluster, we have a very strategic alliance that favors one of the crucial points that every company needs to grow, which is capital.”

That said, she expressed that her wish is that they be taken into account as a home financier; “… knowing that we are here to serve the providers of the medical industry.”

The opportunity to speak out

In the same way, Alvídrez commented that one of the greatest benefits of this cooperation is visibility.

“The cluster for us is key to make ourselves known because many do not know that these types of products exist. For us, it is an aid for networking, support, and recognition.”

Innovation, collaboration, and growth within the biomedical industry

Blú Capital, as a company that understands economic cycles and the market, is an ideal partner. This in-depth knowledge has allowed them to remain the first choice of many because they offer something that really works.

The BIO El Paso-Juárez Cluster is the perfect way to extend the scope of these benefits, in a way that favors the region. It fosters collaboration within the region to strengthen the medical device industry and help its members become more globally competitive, increase and improve their innovation and investment in the sector. This alliance with Blú Capital is just one more proof of success in being part of BIO El Paso - Juárez!

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